How do I select or change the payout speed on a load?


QuickPay gives you the ability to choose the payment speed that meets the needs of your business on every load. No contracts or hidden fees.

There are two opportunities to select your desired payment speed on every load: 

When Booking a Load

  1. When booking a load, after assigning a driver and dispatcher to the load you will be taken to the “Select payout speed” page.

  2. On this page you will have the ability to select the payout speed offered by the broker. All loads will offer the standard 30 day payout (for free), and may also include QuickPay options such as two-day payout (for a small fee, no minimum) or same-day payout (for a small fee and minimum).

    • Note: The fees and minimums associated with the payout speed are dependent upon your qualification for a discount on QuickPay.

  3. Once you select your payout speed, you will see the total payout for the load get updated to reflect your choice.  

  4. Next you will click on the “Confirm Payout Speed” button to confirm your choice and complete booking the load. If you do not have a payment method on file, you will be prompted to add a payment method to your account. Please do this so that you are paid as quickly as possible.


After Booking a Load

After you have booked a load, you have the option to change your payment speed until the day of the payment.

  1. To change the payout speed, select “My Loads” in the lower menu of the app. 

  2. Next, under the “Booked” tab, select the load that you want to update

  3. Tap the “Payments” tab. 

  4. Tap on the “Change Payout Speed” button and select the appropriate payout speed.

  5. Click the “Confirm Payout Speed” to complete the change. The Payout Summary in the “Payments” tab will update to reflect the change.